Promoting the breeding and exhibition of standard bred poultry since 1963; a 501c5 Nonprofit Organization EIN: 84-3999257

Society for the Preservation of Poultry Antiquities

Society for the Preservation of Poultry Antiquities


Check out their Website:

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The Virginia Special SPPA Meet will be held at the Virginia Poultry Breeders Association Show, November 23, 2024, Caroline County Agricultural Fair Grounds, 8332 County Fair Lane, Ruther Glen, VA 22546.  The catalogs are available on Poultry Show Central.  We had a great time last year, and are looking forward to seeing you this year. 

SPPA awards will be given as follows.

  • Champion and Reserve Champion Rare Breed (large fowl)  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Old Breed (large fowl)  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Rare Waterfowl (duck or goose)  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Turkey (all turkeys eligible except crossbreds)  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Guinea Fowl  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Old Breed Bantam  (Ribbon only for Champion)
  • Champion and Reserve Champion Rare Breed Bantam  (Ribbon only for Champion)

Other awards provided by our sponsors:

  • Overall Champion SPPA Meet – Kalmbach Feed, Anonymous Donor of Ribbon
  • Overall Reserve Champion – Kalmbach Feed, Anonymous Donor of Ribbon
  • All SPPA Champions and Reserve Champions – Kalmbach Feed, Anonymous Donor of Ribbon
  • Best Brabanter – $25 Premium by Barbara Rosholdt, Anonymous Donor of Ribbon
  • Reserve Brabanter – Brabanter Pride Thermos, Anonymous Donor of Ribbon

Current SPPA members are eligible for awards.  If a new member pays his/her dues by November 23 prior to the SPPA judging, they are eligible for all awards.  

Also remember:  If your bird’s breed is not in the SOP, you will be able to show for SPPA awards if the breed is listed in the SPPA Critical List.  Please check for updates as the Critical List is being updated this year. Note to exhibitors who are exhibiting birds that are not in either APA or ABA standards: Please bring a standard relevant to your breed IN ENGLISH from the breed’s country of origin, so that the judge has a standard to review. The Facilitator of the meet will not necessarily have standards on hand for every breed at the show. If you don’t have a standard and are having problems finding one, or if you have any questions about the meet, contact meet facilitator Barbara Rosholdt

If you feel strongly about a particular breed and want to support breeders who keep it thriving, please consider sponsoring the breed from the SPPA Critical List.  To pledge your donation for a sponsorship, please contact the meet facilitator.