Thank You to all of our amazing sponsors!
Become a VPBA Sponsor Today
Sponsors help the VPBA to continue to make improvements to the Annual Show through things like improved rosettes/awards, for example, as well as obtaining needed supplies. Your contributions also allow the club to make plans for the future as the show continues to grow and more space will likely be needed in the upcoming years. Sponsor donations also help the club to develop the club website and the tools that give online access to the show documents and more. Dedicated and recurring sponsors will allow the club the opportunity to continue to pursue the mission of the Virginia Poultry Breeders Association and do our very best for members and participants.
You can choose to be a sponsor for a SINGLE year OR make the BIGGEST impact and register as a dedicated RECURRING sponsor and help this year and years to come.
Recurring sponsors are what will allow the club to plan ahead farther for upcoming shows. Single year sponsors are greatly appreciated and anyone can always register as a recurring sponsor at a later date as well! You can also cancel recurring sponsorship at any time AFTER this year. Once sponsorship payments have been processed, there can be no refunds. Any scheduled future payments cancelled prior to processing are accepted. Recurring payments will require a 1-time $5 set up fee.
Sponsors will receive the following benefits based on your contribution level:
Basic – $50: Name (First Initial, Last Name) included in Standard Annual Sponsorship listing on Sponsor page only
Advanced – $75: Basic PLUS included on club website running Sponsors list ticker link throughout site through June 2025, can include a generic listing of your focus breed for show; will be text only
Farm – $100: Farm name & logo in sponsor listing on website/socials thru June 2025; included on Sponsor posting at show; link back to your site/page/email, whenever possible/available; invited to display your banner at show; includes 1 tailgate spot
BUSINESS AND CORPORATE SPONSORS*** of $250+ MAY BE tax deductible. See additional details below.
***Business and Corporate sponsors will receive: ongoing recognition through September 2025 on the VPBA website; two free sales spaces per $250; you are invited to display your own banner in the show barn or outside (where available). We are open to additional requests and consider the above a basic recommended list. Please feel free to include your request(s) with your email should you have other ideas. Email with your request and/or for invoicing.***
Uploading your participating data to the website can take up to 30 days after submitting your sponsorship payment AND any communication with the club has been completed. Be sure you have provided your correct email address so that we can reach you should there be any additional delays we can avoid if, for example, your information is missing or logo file is corrupt. Please allow time to make the updates prior to reporting any missing information.
Contact Us Today about the 2024 VPBA Sponsorship Opportunity: Email Us HERE
Or Submit a form below to receive information on Becoming a Sponsor: